The restock today did not go very smoothly. :-/ There was a lot of glitching and overselling. If your order went through, please allow some extra processing time so that I can sort through everything. I will fulfill all orders that I can, however since I think that the single-batch polishes oversold, I will be in touch with the customers whose orders went in last about their options. Also, there is usually a ten minute cart hold on the site, so any cartjacking that went on was accidental. I promise I did not send any pirates after you. :-P
To hopefully make up for the problems from today, the next restock will be a pre-order and will include the new collection, everything from the restock (although please read the next paragraph about the two single-batch polishes), and maybe a few other returning polishes if I have time.
As for the single-batch polishes, I am going to see if I can get the supplies to offer a second batch for the pre-order. This is not something I would normally do, but I feel that what happened today was not fair - people who may have been first to put polishes in their cart did not necessarily get them.
I’m so, so sorry if you were inconvenienced in any way today. Please let me know if you have any thoughts, and hopefully I will see you again in the future for more polish. :-)